Transcatheter Coil Embolization in Coronary Artery Fistulae

Budi Y Setianto, Pudya L Arshant


Coronary artery fistulae (CAF) is a rare anomaly, mostly with the incidence of congenital CAF 0.1% - 0.2% and the incidence of acquired CAF 0.2% at coronary angiography. Symptomatic or high flow shunting CAF must be treated with surgery or non surgery approach such as transcatheter coil embolization (TCCE).
A women 63 years old with chief complain of chest pain since one month ago. The patient had undergone coronary angiography with conclusions as follows 95% narrowing of proximal LAD (left anterior descendens) artery and CAF from LAD into the right atrium. Whereas narrowing of proximal LAD was performed PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) with the implantation of drug eluting stents, but patients still complained chest pain. CAF decided to do the TCCE. Post TCCE chest pain and ECG evaluation were within normal limits.

Key words: coronary artery fistulae, symptomatic, transcatheter coil embolization.

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