Diarrhea as an Early and Predominant Manifestation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Case Report

Nikko Darnindro, Linda Nurdewati, Annela Manurung, M Ikhsan Mokoagow, Jerry Nasarudin, Elisabeth Yasmine Wardoyo, Anggraini Permata Sari, Aryan Yohanes Djojo, Martha Iskandar, Giri Adji, Marina Epriliawati, Ifael Mauleti, Edi Mulyana, Arnold Harahap


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new infectious disease that spreads very rapidly and therefore, WHO has declared it as a global pandemic disease. The main clinical symptoms found in COVID-19 patients are cough and fever; however, in some cases, diarrhea can be one of the early symptoms. The present case report describes a patient who came with a complaint of diarrhea without fever and she was later confirmed to be positive for COVID-19 during hospitalization. The presence of unspecified initial symptoms calls for greater vigilance from health workers in establishing diagnosis patients with COVID-19.


COVID-19; SARS-Cov-2; diarrhea; early manifestations; Indonesia


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