Cohort Prospective Study to Evaluate Immunogenicity of Epodion® (Biosimilar Epoetin-α) in Anemia Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients
Methods: This prospective, open label, single arm, and multicenter study enrolled patients with anemia associated with CKD under hemodialysis treatment. Patient eligibility was assessed within the 4-week screening period. Blood samples for determination of erythropoietin antibody (Anti-Drug Antibody) were taken at week-0, 24, and 52 using a validated and highly sensitive bridging ELISA method. Evaluation of Neutralizing Antibody (NAb) was carried out to confirm the impact of the antibody to pharmacological activity (e.g., antibody-mediated PRCA) when the ADA detection of patients was positive after screening and confirmatory assay. Results: Results from all tested patients show that Epodion could maintain hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. ADA detection using ELISA assay yielded negative results for all plasma samples of week-24 and week-52, so the evaluation of NAb was not carried out. No adverse events were considered relevant to tested product. Conclusion: This study proves no immunogenic effect of Epodion on stimulating immune system’s antibodies in Indonesian patients with CKD-associated anemia.
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