Clinical Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy using HIV Symptoms Index: A reliability and Applicability Evaluation using Indonesian Language

Khalid Mohammad Shidiq, Erni J Nelwan, Evy Yunihastuti, Kuntjoro Harimurti, Herdiman T Pohan


Background: HIV/AIDS is a chronic, lifelong disease with a wide clinical spectrum which could decrease the quality of life. Objective symptoms measurement is important because it is correlated to treatment adherence and progressivity of the disease. Currently, there is no clinical tool available to evaluate symptoms of HIV infection and the treatment’s side effect for the outpatient setting. This study aimed is to assess the reliability of the Indonesian version of HIV Symptom Index for measuring symptoms of HIV/AIDS patients, and use it for assessment of their symptom profile. Methods: this is a cross sectional study in outpatient HIV/AIDS subjects (n=87) recruited in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital’s HIV clinic from September-November 2018. The HIV Symptom Index consisted of 20 items evaluating somatic, psychologic, and the combination of both symptoms, and its’ language adaptation to Indonesian was done with Beaton and Guillemin method. Reliability of the Indonesian version of HIV Symptom Index was tested by alpha cronbach’s a coefficient analysis, and the internal validity was tested with multitrait scaling analysis before being used to profile the symptom pattern of HIV/AIDS patients. Results: Indonesian version of HIV Symptom Index is reliable (cronbach alpha 0.76) and valid (multitrait correlation >0.4) for measuring symptoms of HIV/AIDS patients. The most common symptom is fatigue (55.7%), followed by insomnia (43.3%), dizziness and lightheadedness (42.3%), skin problems (42.3%), and pain, numbness, or tingling in the hands or feet (39.2%). Conclusion: Indonesian version of HIV symptom Index is reliable and valid to measure symptoms of HIV/AIDS patiens objectively.


symptom; HIV/AIDS; clinical evaluation


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